THE EU-AU Partnership launches the Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy Practice for Sustainable Food Systems Project. 

15th – 17th February 2024: Alisa Hotel, Tema, Accra, Ghana 

The African Union and the European Union together with a number of implementing partners on the African continent and across Europe launched the Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy Practice for Sustainable Food Systems under the EU-AU Partnership #StEPPFoS Project at the Alisa Hotel in Tema, Accra-Ghana. 

StEPPFoS Implementing Partners General Assembly, Alisa Hotel Tema, Accra-Ghana

The #StEPPFoS Project is designed to promote policy coherence and alignment across the Pan-African Network for Economic Policy Analysis of Policies PANAP and Food and Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture #FNSSA to contribute towards minimizing the fragmentation of policy initiatives in the agri-food sector at national and regional levels across the African Continent. 

The Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy Practice for Sustainable Food Systems under the EU-AU Partnership is a 4-year project running from January 2024 till December 2027.

Dr Stephen Onakuse, Dr Kwaku Dei Antwi, Dr Kwamena Quaison, Paola De Caro, Dr. Aggrey Agumya and Raffaele Quarto

Funding for the implementation of the project is granted by the European Union as part of the  Green Deal’s “From Farm to Fork”  strategy (Horizon Europe budget envelope), which forms a crucial part of the EU’s “Global Gateway” strategic vision, aiming at establishing sustainable and reliable connections serving citizens and the planet.  

Raffaele Quarto, European Union

A total of 18 participating organizations come together to make up the StEPPFoS implementation partnership, populated by a wide range of experts and stakeholders (including researchers, NGOs, donors, extension workers, etc.) involved in the field of Policy research analysis, capacity building and food and nutritional security and sustainable agriculture.

Ibrahim Gariba, African Union Commission

At the event were the European Union Delegation Representative to Ghana, Raffaele Quarto, Ibrahim Gariba, a Senior Communication Specialist representing the African Union Commission, Paola De Caro of the European Commission, the REA_EC Project Officer Adelma Di Biasio Biaso and Kwamena Quaison, a Chief Director representing the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) Ghana.

Kwamena Quaison, Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology & Innovation of Ghana

The project is coordinated by the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), a continental apex technical institution of the African Union Commission , and the European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development (AGRINATURA), an Association of European Universities and Research Centres.

Dr. Kwaku Dei Antwi, StEPPFoS Coordinator, FARA

As outlined by the Project Coordinator, Kwaku Dei Antwi of FARA, StEPPFoS aims to contribute to the FNSSA 10-year roadmap and the global transition towards sustainable food systems through the implementation of activities that link PANAP to the FNSSA partnership. Specific objectives are: 

  1. to improve capacities of stakeholders  
  2. to enhance science-policy interface  
  3. to improve strategies that promote scientific support within policy development.  
  4. to expand and strengthen the PANAP Network.  

The project will be implemented through its  eight work packages (WPs)over a period of 48 months using Capacity building, stakeholder engagements, participatory monitoring, evaluation, and learning as the main methods to deliver on the project’s objectives whiles adhering to open science principles and effective data management practices. StEPPFoS will further leverage expertise from academic, research, and policy institutions in both Europe and Africa. 

Paola De Caro, European Commission

Governments worldwide invest heavily in crafting policies to tackle public priorities such as sustainable food and nutrition. However, there’s often a notable disparity between policy goals and actual outcomes, highlighting a universal challenge in policy formulation and implementation Food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (FNSSA) represent crucial development priorities in Africa, receiving significant attention from both national governments and international agendas such as the AU/EU partnership. FNSSA was identified as a priority area in the AU-EU High Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology, and Innovation, leading to the establishment of the Pan-African Network for Economic Analysis of Policies (PANAP).

The final outcome of the StEPPFoS initiative will be an enhanced collaboration between the FNSSA Research and Innovation Partnership and the Pan-African Network for Economic Analysis of Policies PANAP within EU-AU cooperation. It will further provide support for African agricultural and food systems policy making process through enhanced cooperation in economic, social and environmental impact (including biodiversity) analysis of policy options for food systems, nutrition performance, agrifood trade, and development of rural areas.

Dr Stephen Onakuse, President of AGRINATURA

The President of AGRINATURA, Dr Stephen Onakuse during his closing remarks at the General Assembly of Implementing partners held as part of the inception meetings expressed his delight in the deliberations and decisions for implementation settled on by the general assembly and the need for synchronicity among implementing partners for the success of the project and ultimate realization of the project outcomes.

Dr. Aggrey Agumya, Executive Director, FARA

On his part, the Executive Director of FARA, Dr. Aggrey Agumya, expressed honor in the trust bestowed on FARA to coordinate the project and pledged his commitment to seeing a strengthened AU-EU partnership. 


Project Implementing Partners 

1. Forum For Agricultural Research In Africa, Ghana – FARA, Coordinator

2. The Registered Trustees Of The Association For Strengthening Agricultural Research In Eastern And Central Africa – ASARECA
3. Conf. Respons. Recher. Agronom.Afriq. De L’ouest & Du Centre – CORAF/WECARD
4. Council For Scientific And Industrial Research – CSIR-GH
5. European Centre for Development Policy Management – ECDPM
6. Food Agriculture And Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network – FANRPAN

7. Regional Universities Forum For Capacity Building In Agriculture – RUFORUM
8. Universitaet Hohenheim
9. European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development Agrinatura
10. Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis KIPPRA, Kenya

11. Stichting Wageningen Research – WR
12. African Forum For Agricultural Advisory Services – AFAAS
13. Universita Ca’ Foscari Venezia – UNIVE
14. Universite Felix Houphouet Boigny, Benin
15. E-Science European Infrastructure For Biodiversity And Ecosystem Research – LifeWatch
16. Eastern Africa Farmers’ Federation Society – EAFF
17. The Association of Commonwealth Universities – UK
18. The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission – EC-JRC

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