

The Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa (dubbed ‘Science Agenda’ / S3A) is an African Owned and African-led process that articulates the science, technology,extension, innovations, policy and social learning that Africa needs to apply in order to meet its agricultural and overall development goals. The strategic thrusts of the S3A in the short to medium term are; the implementation of CAADP; increase domestic public and private sector investment; creating the enabling environment for sustainable application of science for agriculture; and to double current level of Agricultural Total Factor Productivity (ATFP) by 2025 through application of science for agriculture.

In the medium to long-term the science agenda is to build systemic science capacity at national and regional levels, capable of addressing evolving needs for farmers, producers, entrepreneurs and consumers, especially given strategic and foresight issues such as climate change and urbanisation.

The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and constituent partners are leading the development and operationalisation of the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa (S3A). The S3A document has been prepared by an African-led Expert Group through a consultative process involving the broader agricultural science community and rural development professionals in Africa as well as high-level decision-makers on the Continent. The agenda, now ratified by the Head of States in Malabo this signals Africa’s clear intent to commit to a science-led process at the national level to secure agricultural transformation and Africa’s future.

In building the momentum towards operationalising the S3A, a number of strategic plans have to be completed and executed. These including the following: deploying S3A Vision; blue-print for developing long term science capacities for Africa; country guidelines for mainstreaming S3A as part of CAADP Results Framework implementation at Level 3 and 2; plan and support for SROs direct participation with RECs in building knowledge and innovation Platforms for CAADP implementation. FARA is working closely with AUC, NEPAD and RECs to flesh out the S3A operationalisation strategy in line with the Malabo Declarations, and especially through implementation of the Sustaining CAADP Results Framework.

Download the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa document. Visit website: