The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) ex-Pillar IV Africa Regional and Sub-regional Organizations for Agricultural Research and Innovation project (CAADP XP4), is funded by the European Union (EU) under the Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture (DeSIRA) initiative and administered by IFAD.
Programme goals and objectives
The programme which brings together the major continental and sub-regional organizations AFAAS, ASARECA, CCARDESA, CORAF and FARA, aims at contributing to Agenda 2063 and to the climate-relevant CAADP goals as set in the 2014 African Union’s Malabo Declaration in advancing Accelerated African Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods.
The objective is to enable agricultural research and innovation, including extension services, to contribute effectively to food and nutrition security, economic development and climate mitigation in Africa. This will be achieved by improving the capacity, effectiveness and positioning of the Regional and Sub-regional Agriculture research and extension organizations as well as National-Agriculture-Research-Systems, and by promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing among the organizations and relevant European institutions.
Programme outputs and outcomes
The five outputs of the programme are:
1. Strengthened Capacity of African regional and sub-regional agricultural research organizations to perform their individual mandates and to better work together; 2. Multi-stakeholder Partnerships for Innovation established and in operation;
3. Strengthened national policies, regional institutional arrangements, and market access;
4. Knowledge Management & Communication for decision support, sharing innovation and advocacy related to climate-relevant agriculture transformation; and
5. Effective Planning, coordination, Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning (MEL) & Reporting.
The two major outcomes are:
1. improved capacities of countries to; prioritize, plan and use climate-relevant technologies and innovations, advocate and mobilize investments in agricultural research and innovation, formulate and implement policies; and
2. improved collaboration amongst institutions to; enhance the coherence of actions, advance a common vision and agenda and to strengthen Africa’s voice in global platforms on research and innovation.
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